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Showing posts from August, 2006

Privatisation of terrestrial media stressed

Broadcast media that cuts across the literacy barriers is one of the most important sources of information to poor and marginalised groups. But despite the recent diversification of cable and satellite television, a large portion of all Bangladeshis has no regular access to TV and radio. Only 10 per cent of all households and 0.6 per cent of households in the rural areas have a satellite connection. Speakers at a press briefing held at the Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI) disclosed these. Quoting the findings of a research conducted by Bangladesh Media and Demographic Survey and ACNielsen in 2005 which shows almost one third (28.5 per cent) of Bangladeshis have no access to regular media and therefore 'media dark, BEI President Farok Sobhan who is the also the Chief Executive said,'' Diversifying the terrestrial TV and radio broadcasting is therefore a priority to enhance and deepen information channels to the poor.'' Terrestrial broadcast diversification shoul...