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RRI Quiz January 2015

Govora Spa, a Healing Oasis

Radio Romania International
The exploitation of mineral water springs with therapeutic properties started in 1879, people being treated in wooden bathtubs, located within the precincts of the neighboring Govora Monastery. The first spa treatment building was erected in 1887, boasting almost 30 booths for warm baths. The spa was officially inaugurated with the opening to the public of the Hotel “Palace”, which was built in such a way that each of its rooms could get at least one hour of direct sun light. At the same time a treatment facility equipped with bathtubs made of cast iron was inaugurated. In time, with the development of the spa, other hotels and guesthouses emerged, and the spa became a township after 1950.
To find out the answers to all the contest questions, you are invited to follow RRI’s broadcasts, the website, and our Facebook, Twitter and Google+ profiles. Provide in writing the correct answers to just a few questions and you can be a winner. The closing date is April 30 mailing date.

The Grand Prize is an 8-day, 7 night stay with full accommodation in a double room, with six days of spa treatment available. This includes two daily sessions between June 15 and 30, 2015 at Hotel “Palace”, housed in a historic building erected between 1911 and 1914 in Govora Spa, Valcea County. As usual, the winners will have to provide for their own international transport to and from Romania, and cover possible expenses related to obtaining a visa for Romania.


The contest is sponsored by Hotel “Palace” – SC Baile Govora SA, and is organized by Valcea County Council, Baile Govora-Govora Spa Town Hall, the Ramnic Archbishopric and the Valcea branch of the Union of Fine Artists.


Now the questions:

When was Hotel “Palace” built in Govora Spa? What is the Govora Spa resort best known for? What is the name of the city acting as seat for the county where the Govora Spa is located in? Name five tourist attractions in Valcea County.

Radio Romania International, 60-64 G-ral Berthelot Street, sector 1, Bucharest, PO Box 111, code 010165, fax 0040.21.319.05.62, e-mail Please provide your answers by 30 April, mailing date. The winners of the Grand Prize will be announced soon after that date, allowing them to prepare for their trip to Romania. Good luck!

From : RRI.RO


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